• Stand body is produced by aluminum pipe type profile extrusion method and coated with eloxal.
  • Star wheel base produced of aluminum cast material and painted with electrostatic powder.
  • ECG is easily demountable from the monitor stand.
  • It has a horizontal plastic carrying handle which has adjustable height.
  • Dimensions of the wire basket: 320 x 195 x 125 mm.
  • Wire basket is coated with PE (polyethylene).
  • Wire basket is changeable if required.
  • Wire basket can be moved up and down.
  • It has high carrying capacity and durable plastic casters are used.
  • Plastic casters can be changeable.
  • Two of the casters have brakes and lockable.
  • The ECG stand has a capacity to carry 45 kg but it has shown resistance up to 90 kg in our tests.
  • The ECG stand is completely demountable.
  • There are structural analysis reports showing the carrying capacity.
  • It has ergonomic design.



You can find below which models compatible with SMS-30Y-ECG;

GE Healthcare : MAC VU360™, MAC 3500, MAC 2000
Spacelab : CardioExpress SL18A, SL12A, SL6A
Philips : Efficia ECG100, IntelliSpace ECG, ST80i, PageWriter TC10, TC20, TC30
Mindray : BeneHeart R12, R3, M9, M7 Premium
Schiller : CARDIOVIT AT-180, FT-1, AT-102 G2, MS-2015, AT-1 G2
Nihon Kohden : CardioFax G ECG-2550
Edan : SE-1200 Basic, SE-1200 Express, SE-12 Express, SE-18 Lead, SE-601C/B/A, SE-301, SE-3

It can also be compatible with other brands and models.



Box :  102 cm x 78 cm x 19 cm
Gross Weight :  14,7 kg
Net Weight :  12 kg